Oxford NINJAL Corpus of Old Japanese (ONCOJ)

Acknowledgements of support

The ONCOJ is supported by

The British Academy The ONCOJ was adopted by the British Academy as an Academy Research Project in 2012, following a competitive two-stage evaluation process. The British Academy confirmed this status in 2017. In addition to the prestigious and important stamp of quality assurance, financial support from the British Academy enables project committe meetings and research travel, as well as website maintenance and development.

NINJAL This work was supported through Discretionary funds from the Director-General of NINJAL.


In the past, the ONCOJ has enjoyed support from

The Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK The ONCOJ was initially developed as a tool within the research project Verb Semantics and Argument Realisation in Pre-Modern Japanese (VSARPJ) which ran from January 2009 to June 2014 at the Research Centre for Japanese Language and Linguistics in the University of Oxford. VSARPJ was funded by a substantial award from the AHRC. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/University of Tsukuba Initial preparation of the Norito and Senmyō materials was supported in part by a grant to Yuko Yanagida (University of Tsukuba) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Hakuhō Foundation Some of the initial research for the collaboration between the Oxford Corpus of Old Japanese and NINJAL was funded through the 10th Hakuho Foundation Japanese Research Fellowship, "Grammatical Analysis for a Corpus of Pre-modern Japanese with an Orientation to Linguistic Research" (1 Sept. 2015 ~ 31 Aug. 2016), awarded to Stephen Wright Horn. JSPS grant-in-aid for scientific research KAKENHI Annnotation and development was supported in part by a JSPS grant-in-aid for scientific research: KAKENHI 18K00560 from April 2018 through March 2019.